Localization ------------- An example of localizing the program for Finnish(fi_FI). Works similarly for any other language. 1. Extract messages with: .. code-block:: python setup.py extract_messages 2. For new languages initialize the .po file with: .. code-block:: python setup.py init_catalog -l fi_FI For existing languages update the .po file with: .. code-block:: python setup.py update_catalog -l fi_FI 3. Add any missing translations to the .po file at kvalikirstu2/locale/fi_FI/kvalikirstu2.po using any text editor 4. Get localization json file for Datatables.net. The .json file should be placed in kvalikirstu2/locale/table_localization. Translate "English.json" to "Finnish.json" in kvalikirstu2/locale/fi_FI/kvalikirstu2.po to make the table localization in the index work. 5. Compile the text based catalog with: .. code-block:: python setup.py compile_catalog -l fi_FI The application should now automatically use the translations based on the user's localization settings.